About us

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Paola Castro MontealegrE


Law degree from the University of Costa Rica (UCR) and a Master Degree in Human Rights and Community Law from the same institution. Specialization courses at the University of New Hampshire, University of California Davis and Harvard in Intellectual Property (CopyrightX).

Professional Experience:

Public Sector: Protocol Assistant Director of the Presidency of the Republic (2006-2010) and Assistant of the General Direction of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade (COMEX). Diplomacy Course at the Diplomatic Academy of Beijing.

Private Sector: Coordinator for Central America of Patents and Trademarks filings in a law firm specialized in Intellectual Property and Founding Partner of a Law Firm. Executive Director of the National Association of Shipowners (NAVE) and Executive Assistant of the Association of Business for Development (AED).

Currently Managing Partner of CastroIP since 2016.

Languages: Spanish, English and French

Who is Paola Castro:

I am a mom, wife, Attorney and Notary Public, I consider myself a very responsible and honest person, I enjoy my profession and exercise it in an integral way according to the client needs. I love having quality time with my family to travel or just to enjoy a cup of coffee.

Additional topics in which I like to work: innovation, creation of new businesses, entrepreneurship, leadership, emerging issues and the future.

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Yamileth Calderón Delgado

Administración y Mercadeo

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Ileana Corrales Umaña

  • Asistente legal

  • Coordinadora de marcas, derecho registral y notarial

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Mariana Hernández Rodríguez

  • Coordinadora de patentes y registros sanitarios